In the event of a consumer dispute, the consumer can turn to a Consumer Dispute Resolution Body.
The Directorate-General for Consumer Affairs publishes the list of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) bodies that have been notified to the European Commission, pursuant to Article 17(2) of Law 144/2015 of September 8, as amended by Decree-Law 102/2017 of August 23.
List of RAL Entities available at:
In the event of an online consumer dispute, you can use an online dispute resolution (ODR) system, the ODR Platform (“online dispute resolution”), which is responsible for resolving disputes relating to contractual obligations resulting from contracts concluded online.
The conditions of operation and use of this portal are governed exclusively by the laws of Portugal and the competent court for resolving any disputes is the District Court of Vila Real, with waiver of any other.
In the event that these terms and conditions are deemed to be partially or totally invalid, unlawful or unenforceable in any way by a competent authority, these terms and conditions shall be deemed null and void, the remainder remaining valid and must be complied with in accordance with the law, in its broadest sense.